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E-PSYS supports growing school development : 

Brussels Preparatory School

high school - virtual, on-line, with options for local classes and tutoring

Brussels Preparatory School 

We are a trilingual school where we believe in strength is made in languages while using them. We offer an American high school curriculum, a broad, and strong subject matter for all student's courses in the humanities, languages, sciences, mathematics, and arts.

In Belgium, learning is required but not attending school. If that's what you choose we help you succeed.  By being a member of Brussels Prep and designing your studies, we help you reach your goals whether you spend five days a week with us or one day a month we support your program.

We aid students wishing to complete the

French and Dutch program support by experts with E-PSYS Educational and Psychological Services are available through, whether you are an ex-pat or a local student, you may choose to follow courses as a free-student in a free-school or GO School by thuisonderwijs or jury central we give guidance, deadlines, quizzes, and take some pressure off being full-time at home. We help you with all of the paperwork, info sessions, and how to do set up an email address for internal school communication.

Onderwijs Vlaanderen Examencommissie

Jury Central de Fédération Wallonie - Bruxelles

European Link Plus program developed by Justine Comtois

We strongly believe and have proven, that you succeed and thrive in the atmosphere of encouragement, self-discovery, with challenges, comfort, tolerance, understanding, respect, and serenity surrounded by great staff and students both online and on-campus.

Our objective is not to just help students survive high school, but to thrive and be inspired about their futures! 

Free initial interview and application :

Apply Today, we offer currently a free application!

Once accepted, we begin with registration and enrollment and your individualized program.

Why? Learning is changing and evolving. We support these efforts. We offer support and guidance on your scheduling, choices of material, educational planning, university preparation, and exam preparation.

Enrolling with us ensures your diploma and registration in an official school with supervision, a plan, a portfolio, and guidance of your progress.  We issue a diploma if met the criteria and offer a 4.0 grading system.  Our courses are at the advanced level, we do not currently offer advanced placement courses as we feel our courses follow an already strict curriculum.  Supplemental tutoring and an internal teacher-student feedback system really work!


Enrollment :

The Base enrollment :

membership fee annual and required for enrollment in Brussels Preparatory School for your online virtual program and portfolio :

this includes : 

- internal access account linking you internally with our other students where we share

- link up with other similar student's programs

- individual planning and support during class hours

For parents - The Eagle Club 

As a prep parent, you are invited to join us in a private group and parent-teacher council which will meet monthly and more informally a social group with coffee meetings.   

Annual membership

includes :

  • workshops

  • advising 

  • outings organization

Brussels Prep School The BASE or BASE +2 BASE +5 ON - CAMPUS

Enrollment we like to call it such as we are never 'just' at home, we learn by visiting businesses, libraries, and short travel

We are a full-time school however we believe in learning in a calm, conducive environment to enable inspiration and learning.

Choices of attendance:  ON-CAMPUS locations  in group GENT and BRUSSELS 

The BASE - Enrollment the BASE, enrollment, and educational support daily :

add +2 ON-CAMPUS Meet with us on campus (location to be disclosed on application)

part-time Tuesdays and Thursdays can be adapted for each additional trimester

add +5 On-campus full-time daily schedules posted on our private link for students

Monday to Friday 8:50 AM to 3:50 PM

Boarding 4 days a week and some weekends for athletes is arranged and available for students following a Gap year program 

We believe students thrive in a family environment, however, in living with other students in the diploma programs one has a good transition to university.

Electives in a group : for a schedule please contact us start beginning of April :

fine arts, drawing, painting, graphics in the atelier location

Drama - on stage and development of speech

Modern and Classical Dance with students and performers of Maurice Béjart

Music assistance in finding private instruction and practice with the International Music Academy

Sports :

extra-curricular activities are just the cost of the enrollment in the club located, we will try to keep our group together as much as possible by hours unique for Brussels Prep students: choice of recreation or competition currently available and tailor-made in the following sports :

Brussels Prep Tennis (third semester only April - June)

Inter-club matches possible locally

Brussels Prep School Rowing and Sculling Team from Initiation to Competitions with elite rowers

(year-round long and short boats)

Brussels Prep Swim Team (year-round long and short courses)

swimming being the advantage for triathletes we offer our swimmers a chance to try out for elite triathlon programs

Brussels Preparatory cross-country and track (running) (September to December and April to June)

More about what we offer :

Virtual, online school support for students from age 14 preparing for university.

Students may be entirely virtual in our basic or "BASE" enrollment with support or you may choose to join us.

Open Enrollment for the 2021-2022 academic year is for current college preparatory students from graduating class of 2022 to 2025 until graduation. Option for the International Baccalaureate IB diploma program, we are a candidate school.

We support your curriculum, provide learning and lesson choices, support, tutoring and learning material choice, guidance, and can help with a discussion between you and the exam coordination. We support your following a curriculum individually from abroad or in local schools.

For example, Kim is a student from the USA living in Belgium for the next 3 years. She chooses to continue her studies with a self-study and support program through enrolling is essentially becoming a student member of Brussels Preparatory School.

Our programs support students and parents through individual assistance in book and study material choices

and preparation, creating an individualized study routine, scheduling. The aim is to provide a complete program offering a tailor-made selection of courses and projects along with extra-curricular activities on-demand from swimming to the fine arts and dance in the community, we provide full assistance to finding where you feel at home.

Sam is also from the USA but his mother is French and they live in Belgium due to his parent's career. He wants to both study in French in a local curriculum and in English and follows the American system, enrolling with us enables him to find his curriculum in order to be successful on the SAT or later decide to study in Belgium or France. Furthermore, an English curriculum is useful worldwide, and courses adapted to follow Bruxelles-Wallonia Jury-centrale program for dual diplomas. This is also true for Flemish Onderwijs Vlaanderen Examencommissie, we have experience supporting students to get graduated in both diplomas.

We offer need - based scholarships for all students upon request .

Brussels Preparatory 


per year 

What does Membership  include :

Official Enrollment 

Brussels Prep School 

Diploma Program

Your Individualized Program Planner and Planning Package 

Monthly Meetings On-campus 

Teacher and administrative support, an internal email, whatsapp student group, extra-curricular support

Gap Year Membership 

per month

Students doing a Gap Year Meet Weekly

One day a week on-campus

Choice of Concentration

Sport activity included

Student  travel group 

Members Extra Tutoring Session

per 60min with an expert teacher

Keep up with your learning! 

Tutoring Session of one hour

Planning ahead included - clear goal

Packages for less per hour

Tutoring Groups with Classmates 

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